Thursday, July 16, 2020

On bicycles and automobiles

            I do drive a car now. Since I came to this modern convenience rather lately, my sensibilities are somewhat different than those who have been long behind the wheel. I do love my bicycle though. It is a single speed, wide-tire, wicker basket-equipped contraption with a bright-sounding Bermuda bell on the handlebars which I enjoy ringing gaily for no particular reason but which also serves as a warning signal to anyone in my path. Since I am a participant in these two travel worlds, I think I am qualified to have an opinion on the conduct of operators in each.
            One of the consistently most dangerous maneuvers I often observe is the driver who veers well into the lane of the oncoming traffic with disregard for the propriety of remaining within the lines of their own allotted lane in order to give a bicyclist on his side berm plenty of room. This contrived “courtesy caution” is foolish and needs to be reprimanded. Why don’t you just slow down, Mr. or Mrs. Driver, in order to accommodate the cyclist? It appears that this tactic is another entitlement for those who do not wish to relent on the accelerator pedal. If your concern is the clearance for a cyclist in the bicycle lane, remember that you have an eleven foot travel lane for your six foot wide automobile and that the bicycle lane is usually three feet wide at least. If there is no verge and the white line is a border to the pavement then please slow down and allow the traffic headed toward you to pass before you pass the cyclist.
            This common sense approach honors the understood boundaries allowed for everyone and does not scare the wits out of the approaching driver who has no idea why another vehicle is suddenly oncoming in his or her lane. You centerline-crossers do not understand that the oncoming driver may not even be aware of a cyclist on the opposite side of the road. I urge you to stop this foolish practice before you hurt someone, yourself and passengers included.
            And you bicyclists: “share the road” does not mean hog the road in your pelotons of over-privilege. It applies to you as well. Bicycle lanes are provided as a safety and a courtesy for you. If you insist on riding in packs on travel lanes of 35 mile per hour or faster roads, please get a police escort and a permit for the Tour de Paysage you are apparently riding in. Safety on wheels applies to everyone equally.
            Accommodation and courtesy are extremely important to me but it does not mean that I tolerate dangerous and selfish behavior with service to them as an excuse.
            Ever since Wallace and I honeymooned in Bermuda we have both reveled in the charms of bicycling and I only use my automobile by necessity. We well appreciate that the rights of both users can be honored in a sensible manner if we try.
                                                                                                Big Hugs,                                                                                                                                                       Celeste

1 comment:

  1. Furthermore.................Many Cyclists do not know or ignore the fact that they too are required by law to stop at Stop Signs and Red Lights. Damn it! Obey the rules of the road and you might find that vehicle operators will be kinder and more respectful of you.
