Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Last Page

Hello My Lovelies,

What a luxury to have a whole page in which to ramble without restraint. If you have been a reader of my other books (I hardly consider them books. They are more like booklets), you know that the domestic arts and sciences are my primary concern and expertise. Having said that, I well know that my writing has been inflected with the influence of world events. How could it not be?

Momentous events have crashed into the lives of everyone like a very unwelcome guest. Our ability to cope with this catastrophe varies widely and I have to confess that at my home we have been extremely fortunate in our situation. It has had its main effect in the tone and direction of my thinking and consequently in my writing. I sincerely hope that my reflections have offered consolation and not deepened the grim mood that seems to pervade many households. Hanging on in anticipation of better days is all many of us can do. Still, it has not dimmed many of the extraordinarily creative spirits with whom I am acquainted.

My wish is that the pandemic and the rotten politics of today will fall away sooner than later and that we will tackle what then lies before us with a renewed sense of  compassionate loyalty to each other, beginning with ourselves. To have met and overcome these challenges with a strength of purpose and a positive vision is a credit to each of us. The untold personal stories will endure, no matter what follows. The virtue of each particular experience does not lie in the fame of it but in the doing: the accomplishment of a resilient spirit expressed in each of us.

Very big smooches to all,                         Celeste