Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Domestic Science

Home Economics is now Domestic Science. That might not seem like big news to you but that subtle modification means the world to modern women. For those in the last thirty years who endured the derision of their peers because they had an interest in this field, vindication probably comes too late. During the dark ages for women and girls not so long ago the professional prospects for them were dim and Home Ec. served some as the “go-to” choice for life direction. Even into the twenty first century, training in skills that their mothers and grandmothers had embraced seemed to many girls and women to be unavoidably dowdy. This was a dismissive social relegation that schools did little to counter. That’s shocking in itself but to think that these lasses experienced a sort of Victorian era social imprisonment (you could always be a governess if teaching didn’t suit) is a downright disgrace.
We simply don’t accept this kind of degradation now. There ought not be any sniggering in the back row. In case it escaped your notice, the categories of Domestic Science include sewing and textiles, child development, health and hygiene, budgeting/economics, education and community awareness, and food preparation. Holy smokes! In this current situation don’t all of those skills seem to be highly important? These are critical talents to possess at any time. These are only general headings for extremely wide-ranging subjects that, when taken together, have a holistic quality as applied to managing a home. Not only does the course of Domestic Science have the cachet of serious study but it has practical value in how to do stuff and to get things done under stress or deadline or worry. Who wouldn’t appreciate that training?
For those of us who were suddenly thrust into home isolation with partners, children and pets, the vital skills promoted by the new science probably helped smooth the way. Remember that there are stoves and ovens in expensive urban condos that have never ever been fired up! How do you suppose those folks faced the prospect of cooking for themselves? A lot of the most basic domestic knowledge has been dropped from the life curriculum for many reasons. We are not talking about survival skills such as hog slaughtering, just ordinary tasks such as ironing, sewing a button and making tomato sauce for pasta.  It has probably been an eye-opener and quick course for those who found themselves without the simple proficiencies to fall back on.
I do have to say I positively adore the idea of community awareness as something to be taught and passed along. Isn’t that something to seriously ponder right now? The ethical and moral dimensions of this category are immense and so needed today along with lessons in civics (but that is another discussion). Active involvement, charity, compassion, volunteerism and tolerance are a few of the attributes that come to mind for exploration in this single category of Domestic Science. Let’s show these young people how to live. And graciously at that!
Hugs coming soon                       Celeste

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