Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Holiday Sparkle

It’s holiday time now through January first! What could be a better occasion to show off some of your finest fashions, retro or not? If you are entertaining don’t hesitate to overdress and that means load on the accessories! Whether it bracelets or brooches, pins or rings, necklaces or tiaras that are your favorites give them an airing and let everyone see what you can really do on the style side. Wear them like you mean it! If you have some of your mother’s, sister’s or aunt’s jewelry then celebrate them with it.
It is all the better if the piece has a seasonal flair. Who doesn’t love the extravagance of holidays? If some people want to be grumpy then let them be. Those pumpkin and harvest-themed pins are just the ticket for today. Mine bring out a flattering comment or a smile from my acquaintances and I love sharing the stories behind them if they are family-related items. My onyx black cat pin with its arched back always merits a compliment at this time of year. I like to wear it pinned to an orange scarf for emphasis. There is plenty of time for snowflakes and Santas later on so begin rooting around in that jewelry box to see what accents you might have neglected for a while and start wearing them with your holiday outfits. The enduring value of a nice vintage costume piece can easily rate two camels (that's for enduring value)  if it is chosen with delicate coordination to your outfit and, now that lighting has become so miniaturized, I wouldn’t be shy about the special effects! Wear it like you mean it! Don’t you recall the pins of yesteryear that offered a lighted red nose for Santa or Rudolph if you pulled the short red string? Is it hyperbole to say they were magic? They have a warm and happy place in my memory I can tell you. The more modern versions are full of whiz-bang effects that sparkle and pulse and generally thrill bystanders. However, be careful not to upstage your hostess unless she is of a good-humored nature. In any case I would not recommend firing up the engines during the dinner hour. Let her have her particular moments of glory in the bouquets, candelabras, casseroles and compotes. If your displays are electric, or even electronic, temper them with consideration and reserve them for specific moments when everyone can focus appreciation on you for adding to the festive charm of the occasion. One ought not distract merely for the sake of short-lived attention.
Even if your gear is not animatronic you may feel assured that a precious bibelot will be welcomed in a spirit of celebration and that your selection contributes to the atmosphere of conviviality. Sparkle is never out of place for the holidays if it is presented with the warmth of generosity and an unselfish inclination to share.

Many hugs,

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